Shalom is a self catering apartment which can house 9 adults in total...its private, comfortable and we have.....unlimitedWi-Fi, dstv, gardern,braii area, 2bathrooms and toilets, secure car park light for the car park and physical security 24hrs....we have self catering services too....those needing transport we have a reliable and reasonably priced taxi @$4/trip for local trips
Shalom is good for individuals, families, groups ...we cater for all.its 3km or 5mins drive from City centre, 5km or 8 minute drive to The Magestic Victoria falls.
We have self catering services in our kitchen....hired professional Chef readily available if you need one at $5/meal....big lounge for Tv viewing , dstv and wifi available
Im ever available on my mobile number ,whatsapp, e-mail
We are sited 1km from the Game park....we have animals such as elephats, wathorgs , baboons and impalas that pass thru our guest house on their way to the water hole ....thats free game view for our guests
We have the best rates in Victoria falls for a clean place like ours.